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Table 2 The results of interrupted time series analysis for volume (thousand DDD)

From: The impact of the national volume-based procurement policy on the use of policy-related drugs in Nanjing: an interrupted time-series analysis




Secular trend


Level change


Trend change


Drugs under the same generic name

 Bid-winning drugs

1415.77* (1728.26)

9.38 (1502.43)

6344.53*** (6560.82)

256.05* (9516.16)

 Generic drugs

5657.35*** (6112.04)

-49.73 (5345.35)

-3455.25*** (2341.37)

32.70 (1496.59)

 Branded drugs

6347.83*** (6691.72)

-12.07 (6264.50)

-3103.20*** (3899.19)

8.71 (3098.93)


13200.00*** (14532.02)

22.47 (13266.23)

325.97 (19711.14)

86.26 (14357.97)

Alternative drugs under different generic names

 Perfect clinical equivalence


10.39 (2057.63)

317.67 (2718.95)

3.76 (2525.83)

 Fundamental clinical equivalence

1941.59*** (2170.93)

8.37 (1990.46)

-109.23 (2444.98)

58.4* (2325.32)

 Limited clinical equivalence

5205.06*** (5983.09)

27.00 (5373.02)

-792.40 (6142.75)

189.23* (5990.98)


9114.10*** (10621.64)

49.01 (9421.11)

-569.64 (11306.68)

240.48 (10842.14)

  1. ***p-value < 0.001
  2. **p-value < 0.01
  3. *p-value < 0.05
  4. Yt0 refers to the Yt value of volume in the first month included in the study
  5. Yt1 refers to the average volume before policy intervention
  6. Yt2 refers to the value of volume in the month of policy intervention
  7. Yt3 refers to the average volume after policy intervention