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Table 3 Additional attributes of older public assistance recipients described by caseworkers from the characteristics of the clusters for males (a) and females (b)

From: Identifying meaningful subpopulation segments among older public assistance recipients: a mixed methods study to develop tailor-made health and welfare interventions



Characteristics of cluster from quantitative results

Additional attributes of older recipients described by caseworkers


People who work, earn working income, and receive pension above median (foreign nationals are included).

Active seniors

People receiving low levels of livelihood assistance


People with mental or physical disabilities who have a history of hospitalization/facility admission, have reason for starting public assistance as disease, and live in other houses

(people with alcoholic dependency are included).

People who reside in long-term care health facilities after hospitalization or in relief facilities

People having mental disability and no permanent residence

People who have psychiatric disorder and reside in special nursing homes


People aged 65 to 74 years who live in rental house, have a psychiatric disorder/s, and have previously used public assistance.

People aged 75 and over


People who live in public house or own house and are certified for support need

(people with intellectual disability are included).

(All caseworkers said that they could not think of any older recipients from this cluster.)


People aged over 75 years who have reason for starting public assistance as divorce/bereavement or unemployment.

(All caseworkers said that they could not think of any older recipients

from this cluster.)



Characteristics of cluster from quantitative findings

Additional attributes of older recipients described by caseworkers


People aged over 85 years who have a history of hospitalization/facility admission, previous use of public assistance, have psychiatric disorder/mental disability/physical disability, are certified for long-term care need, and live in other houses

(people with intellectual disability are included).

People residing in private nursing homes or serviced housing for older people

People residing in certain facilities because of the decline in their functional abilities

People residing in special nursing homes


People who work, earn income, and receive pension below median.

People who are motivated to work

People regularly visiting doctors and reporting their incomes

People who are independent and energetic in their daily activities

People working as janitors or cooking assistants and seeking orthopedic treatment for back pain


People aged 75 to 84 years who do not receive pension, live in rental house, are certified for support need, and have reason for starting public assistance as decreased income

(foreign nationals are included).

Healthy and energetic people

People with dementia who lack family support


People who live in public house and have other physical diseases.

People who are single

People in female Cluster 3


People aged 65 to 74 years who receive pension above median and have reason for starting public assistance as divorce/bereavement, unemployment, or disease.

People in female Cluster 4