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Table 4 Demographic Characteristics of Ghana and Tanzania Sample

From: Adaptation and validation of social accountability measures in the context of contraceptive services in Ghana and Tanzania


Ghana n (%)

Tanzania n (%)

Age, years

 Mean (SD) [Min, Max]

28.4 (7.1) [15, 49]

27.8 (6.3) [16., 47]

 Median (IR)

27 (23, 33)

27 (23, 32)

  ≤ 20

94 (12.5)

83 (11.1)


636 (70.1)

567 (75.6)

  > 39

130 (17.4)

100 (13.3)

Marital status

 Currently married

476 (63.5)

636 (84.8)

 Never married

225 (30.0)

77 (10.3)

 Other (Cohabitation, Fiance, no husband, separated, divorced)

49 (6.5)

37 (4.9)

Methods currently using (among those using)

 Female sterilization

7 (1.1%)

11 (1.5%)

 Male sterilization

2 (0.3)

3 (0.4)


8 (1.3)

40 (5.5)


456 (71.7)

391 (53.7)


128 (20.1)

217 (29.8)


32 (5.0)

122 (16.8)

 Male condom

17 (2.7)

53 (7.3)

 Female condom

5 (0.8)

9 (1.2)

 Emergency contraception

11 (1.7)

1 (0.1)

 Standard days method

7 (1.1)

24 (3.3)

 Lactational amenorrhea method

6 (0.9)

27 (3.7)

 Other (Rhythm method/ withdrawal)

22 (3.4)

73 (10.1)

Highest level of school completed

 No formal schooling

131 (17.5)

29 (3.9)

 Some primary school

243 (32.4)

48 (6.4)

 Completed primary school

194 (25.9)

423 (56.4)

 Some secondary school (some and completed)

109 (14.5)

222 (29.6)

 Any tertiary education

73 (9.7)

28 (3.7)

Reading level

 Cannot read at all

303 (40.4)

34 (4.5)

 Able to read only part of the sentence

187 (24.9)

105 (14.0)

 Able to read whole sentence

259 (34.5)

611 (81.5)