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Table 1 Definition of the studied maternal and child health services utilization

From: Geographic differences in maternal and child health care utilization in four Ethiopian regions; a cross-sectional study

Health service


Four or more antenatal care visits

The proportion of women aged 13 to 49 with a live birth in the last 12 months who attended antenatal care four or more times during that pregnancy.

Institutional delivery

The proportion of women with a live birth in the year preceding the survey who gave birth in a health facility

Child immunization; fully immunized

The proportion of live children aged 12–23 months who had received Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, three doses of polio vaccine and three doses of pentavalent vaccine (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis-Hepatitis B and Hemophilus vaccines)

Care seeking for common childhood illness

The proportion of children aged 2–59 months with fever, diarrhoea, or suspected pneumonia in the last two weeks for whom care was sought at health posts, health centers, hospitals, or private clinics