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Table 1 Codes and illustrative comments from interviews

From: Why do some physicians choose to tackle inequities in healthcare?


Illustrative comments

↑awareness through formal education

“…As an undergraduate student, I majored in cultural anthropology… involved in social justice, to address disparities and inequities.”

“…I became aware of inequities during my undergraduate medical education and through clinical experience…”

↑awareness through career prior to medicine

“…Prior to my career in medicine, I worked as a nurse in an outpost station…where many patients were from First Nations reserves.”

“…Before I started medical school, I volunteered in developing countries, where I saw that poverty leads to bad health.”

limited time

“…My biggest barrier is lack of time and lack of mentors”

“… I have done an elective to increase exposure to vulnerable populations, but ultimately a lack of time is a barrier…”

“… lack of time to advocate for individual patients…”

lack of procedural knowledge

“… No one to tell about parking cost affecting patients, so I try to find a solution myself … but can’t do that for every patient.”

lack of mentorship

“… besides lack of time, I am not aware of what others are doing.”

“… I don’t know what [projects are] going on…”

“…My biggest barrier is lack of time and lack of mentors”

system support

“… the Dean is supportive of my work.”

“… the administration is supportive of my volunteer work.”

“…and funding from [the University] to enable me to travel and work…”

“…I am in a unique position to practice medicine and work with the AHS (Alberta Health Services) to advocate for Indigenous health.”