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Table 1 Pathways through which neoliberal reforms affect disabled people’s access to healthcare services

From: The effects of neoliberal policies on access to healthcare for people with disabilities



Effects for disabled people

Policies directly targeting healthcare

Budget cuts in the health sector; increased co-payments; reduced staff; increased privatisation.

Exclusion from services because of cost; higher unmet needs because of high waiting times and lack of staff; higher mortality and morbidity due to deterioration of healthcare services.

Policies indirectly targeting healthcare

Austerity reforms in the broader public sector, leading to hiring freezes; capital controls.

Higher unmet needs because of high waiting times; shortages in medications.

Policies affecting socioeconomic determinants, directly targeting disabled people

Changes in the benefits system; association of state pension with disability level.

Higher rates of poverty; less protection against poverty, unemployment, and healthcare risks; social exclusion.

Policies affecting socioeconomic determinants, indirectly targeting disabled people

Austerity-driven financial policies leading to an increase in unemployment and poverty; reduced labour costs.

Higher rates of poverty; less protection against poverty, unemployment, and healthcare risks; social exclusion; increased prevalence of mental illness.