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Table 3 Main outcomes for the impact evaluation

From: Measuring and understanding the effects of a performance based financing scheme applied to nutrition services in Burundi—a mixed method impact evaluation design




- Prevalence of acute malnutrition (defined as WHZ < -2 or MUAC < 125 mm) and of stunting (defined as HAZ < -2) among children aged 6-23 months

- WHZ, HAZ and MUAC among children aged 6-23 months

Health Centre

- Recovery rates from MAM and SAM cases of children below five years old

- Duration of treatment of MAM and SAM cases of children below five years old

  1. Notes: HAZ stands for Height-for-Age Z-score; MAM for Moderate Acute Malnutrition; MUAC for Mid-Upper Arm Circumference; SAM for Severe Acute Malnutrition; and WHZ for Weight-for-Height Z-score