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Table 2 Competing discourses in in defining problematic substance use during pregnancy and early parenting

From: Complicating the dominant morality discourse: mothers and fathers’ constructions of substance use during pregnancy and early parenthood

Parallel/competing discourses

Abstinence (as the ideal)

Autonomy (of individuals to make different choices based on their knowledge and experiences)








Informed/reinforced by…

Moral conviction

Relative and contextualized harms

Traumatic/negative personal experience

Personal and anecdotal experience

Ministry policies/legal structures

Ambiguity of evidence


Internalizing a moralized motherhood

A broader view of what influences health

Delimits the ‘bad mother’ and the ‘good mother’ by substance use and child removal

‘Problematic’ determined according to substance type and frequency of use

Neoliberal view of choice over life circumstances (choice for both substance use and pregnancy)

Harms mediated by social determinants of health associated with substance use and dependency

Harm reduction as morally inadequate

More holistic view of health: personal care, agency, and emotional health

Mother and infant health as inseparable

Disruption of family as problematic

Results in…

Irreconcilable shame and guilt

Richer discussion of what influences health and child development


Contestation of judgment and stigmatization