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Table 3 Crude and adjusted associations of socioeconomic variables with the presence of gynecological appointment any time after delivery (GA)

From: The relationship between socioeconomic indicators during pregnancy and gynecological appointment at any time after childbirth


Model 1: unadjusted

Model 2: Model 1 plus mother’s characteristics

Model 3: Model 2 plus Obstetric Complications

Model 4: Model 3 plus SE variable



RR/CI 95 %

RR/CI 95 %

RR/CI 95 %

Family per capita monthly income (USD)

p = 0.004

p = 0.005

p = 0.007

p = 0.008

  0 – 59





  60 – 113

1.15 (0.98:1.37)

1.15 (0.98:1.36)

1.15 (0.97:1.35)

1.12 (0.95:1.32)

  114 -810

1.31 (1.12:1.53)

1.29 (1.10:1.51)

1.29 (1.11:1.51)

1.23 (1.05:1.45)

Asset Score (tertiles)

p = 0.003

p = 0.005

p = 0.007

p = 0.009







1.05 (0.89:1.23)

1.02 (0.87:1.19)

1.03 (0.88:1.21)

1.01 (0.86:1.19)


1.26 (1.08:1.47)

1.20 (1.02: 1.40)

1.25 (1.08:146)

1.19 (1.01:1.40)

  1. Family per capita monthly income
  2. Model 1: crude association
  3. Model 2: adjusted by model 1 plus demographic characteristics (skin color*, marriage status, mother’s age, years of education, time of interview after childbirth)
  4. Model 3: adjusted by model 2 plus obstetric characteristics (cesarean delivery*, previous miscarriage*, perinatal depression, number of pregnancies, planning of pregnancy, obstetric complication, , episiotomy, breastfeeding up to 4 months)
  5. Model 4: adjusted by model 3 plus asset score
  6. Asset score
  7. Model 1: crude association
  8. Model 2: adjusted by model 1 plus marriage demographic characteristics (skin color*, years of education*, marriage status, mother’s age, time of interview after childbirth)
  9. Model 3: adjusted by model 2 plus obstetric characteristics (obstetric complication*, cesarean delivery*, previous miscarriage*, perinatal depression, number of pregnancies, planning of pregnancy, episiotomy, breastfeeding up to 4 months)
  10. Model 4: adjusted by model 3 plus family monthly percapita income
  11. *:remained in the model