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Table 3 Multilevel logistic regression analysis of non-participation in networks: informal (A) and formal (B), self-rated health and education, and welfare generosity, unstandardized regression coefficients (B), (N = 21,397 and 21,205 individuals nested within N = 21 countries)

From: Health related social exclusion in Europe: a multilevel study of the role of welfare generosity


Informal (A)

Formal (B)

Fixed part





Gender (male = 1, female = 0)






Children (1 = yes, 0 = no)



Born in the country (1 = yes, 0 = no)



Married or cohabiting






Health and education (ref. Good health and tertiary)


Poor health and tertiary



Good health and secondary



Poor health and secondary



Good health and primary



Poor health and primary



Contextual variable


Welfare generosity



Cross-level interaction terms (ref. Good health and tertiary × welfare generosity)


Poor health and tertiary × welfare generosity



Good health and secondary × welfare generosity



Poor health and secondary × welfare generosity



Good health and primary × welfare generosity



Poor health and primary × welfare generosity



Random part


Standard deviation of random interceptb



Intraclass correlation (ρ)



Log likelihood



  1. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
  2. b all higher level variances are significant at p < 0.001 (likelihood ratio test).
  3. Null-model: non-participation, informal:
  4. Standard deviation of random interceptb: 0.770282.
  5. Intraclass correlation (ρ): 0.152795.
  6. Null-model: non-participation, formal:
  7. Standard deviation of random interceptb: 0.735715.
  8. Intraclass correlation (ρ): 0.141283.
  9. Source: ESS3 2006/7 [45].
  10. Source: Eurostat, ESSPROS (welfare generosity) [47].