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Table 2 Multilevel logistic regression analysis of non-participation in networks: informal (A) and formal (B), self-rated health and employment , and welfare generosity, unstandardized regression coefficients (B), (N = 21,397 and 21,205 individuals nested within N = 21 countries)

From: Health related social exclusion in Europe: a multilevel study of the role of welfare generosity


Informal (A)

Formal (B)

Fixed part





Gender (male =1, female = 0)






Education (ref. Tertiary)








Children (1 = yes, 0 = no)



Born in the country (1 = yes, 0 = no)



Married or cohabiting



Health and employment (ref. Good health and employed)


Good health and non-employed



Poor health and employed



Poor health and non-employed



Contextual variable


Welfare generosity



Cross-level interaction terms (ref. Good health and employed × welfare generosity)


Good health and non-employed × welfare generosity



Poor health and employed × welfare generosity



Poor health and non-employed × welfare generosity



Random part


Standard deviation of random interceptb



Intraclass correlation (ρ)



Log likelihood



  1. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
  2. b all higher-level variances are significant at p < 0.001 (likelihood ratio test).
  3. Null-model: non-participation, informal:
  4. Standard deviation of random interceptb: 0.770282.
  5. Intraclass correlation (ρ): 0.152795.
  6. Null model: non-participation, formal:
  7. Standard deviation of random interceptb: 0.735715.
  8. Intraclass correlation (ρ): 0.141283.
  9. Source: ESS3 2006/7 [45].
  10. Source: Eurostat, ESSPROS (welfare generosity) [47].