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Table 3 Operating definitions employed in the diversity analysis

From: Critically examining diversity in end-of-life family caregiving: implications for equitable caregiver support and Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit

Axis of difference

Operating definition


the totality of the ideas, beliefs, values, knowledge, and way of life of a group of people who share certain historical, religious, racial, linguistic, ethnic and/or social backgrounds


the manner in which a society defines and constrains the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality traits, attitudes, behaviours, values, relative power and influences based on a differential basis of being a ‘woman’ or ‘man’


the physical and social places in which various activities happen that are shaped by actions, processes, and other powerful happenings occurring both within and beyond them

Lifecourse Stage

the sequence of socially defined events and roles that individuals enact over the progression of their life from birth to death

Material Resources

the tangible goods and consumables and the means by which they are purchased, wherein an absence of these resources can result in material deprivation

  1. Operating definitions informed by Hankivsky et al.[33].